Some 100,000 shops have disappeared
from Italian city and town centres since 2012, retailers group
Confcommecrio said Monday.
Between 2012 and 2022 a total of over 99 thousand retail
businesses and 16 thousand itinerant businesses disappeared,
while hotels, bars and restaurants are growing (+10,275), said
the Confcommercio study on business demographics in Italian
cities since 2012.
During the same period, the foreign presence in commerce
increased, both in terms of the number of businesses (+44
thousand) and employees (+107 thousand), while the number of
Italian businesses and employees decreased (-138 thousand and
-148 thousand respectively).
Confcommercio President Carlo Sangalli said "the commercial
desertification does not only concern businesses, but society as
a whole because it means fewer services and less liveability and
"We must accelerate urban requalification with a broader and
more selective use of the EU Recovery FUnd and the involvement
of the social partners (unions and business)."