The leader of Italy's biggest
and most leftwing union CGIL, Susanna Camusso, on Wednesday
reiterated that Premier Matteo Renzi was wrong to postpone a
pension reform to let people retire earlier on lower pensions.
"Renzi is wrong, the pension measure must be in the
budget," Camusso said.
"It's not a question of tackling every single emergency,"
she said.
Renzi has said it would cause "problems" to try and insert
pension flexibility into the 2016 budget, which cabinet is set
to launch Thursday.
In other remarks, Camusso said CGIL would only come to
national contract talks once a rise in wages was agreed.
She also criticised the government's decision to raise the
amount of cash that people can use, to 3,000 euros, as a "step
"Renzi sbaglia, bisogna che
l'intervento sulle pensioni sia nella Legge di Stabilità. Non si
tratta di affrontare qualche singola emergenza". Lo ha detto la
leader della Cgil Susanna Camusso che partecipa al presidio dei
sindacati piemontesi per chiedere la controriforma della riforma