Newly-appointed Telecom Italia president Aldo Minucci says he will probably stay at the helm for a limited three-month period to act as a guarantor for investors before stepping aside to make way for a more independent leader. "I will be president for three months acting as a guarantor for all," Minucci said in an interview with business and finance news site Firstonline. "After the shareholders meeting it is improbable that I stay on, since there is the need for a more independent personality". The next shareholders meeting is in April. Minucci went on to say that the decision to step aside is a natural extension of the work he has done to date as caretaker of the company since the former chief, Franco Bernabè stepped down. He went on to add that he saw his main role as being that of president of Ania, Italy's insurance company association, at least until the end of this year when his mandate expires. "It is a job that requires great commitment because the insurance sector as well in this period is going through great turbulence".